Monday, March 3, 2014

Resumes Part 1: If You're Awesome And You Know It...

There is no greater indicator of nobody knowing anything than the Resume.

Whole books have been written on the subject. Entire classes are dedicated to it. And yet nobody has one golden secret for writing the perfect resume. It just doesn't exist. Everyone has an opinion and none of them are guaranteed to produce right or wrong results. It's a tough racket this resume writing.
Just know this:
There's one person that you can always guarantee to please with your resume. It's not me. And it's not the hiring manager of the job you're applying to. It's YOU! A resume is a reflection of YOU. It's a declaration of the value of YOU as a professional. If YOU can read what YOU've written and know that it makes YOU sound as awesome as YOU are, good job. YOU've written a resume.
The biggest problem I see with most resumes is that people don't give themselves enough credit. They're scared to toot their own horn. Modesty is no good in the resume business. Resume writing is like a competitive sport where you never see your competition. All you know is that you have a 1 in 100 shot of getting the job and if you don't sell yourself like you're the best that's ever been, at least one of the other 99 probably will. In the job race there are only two places: first and everything else.     
So before writing another word, stop and ask yourself: How Awesome Am I? 
Did you jump to your feet and declare, I AM F%#$*&G AWESOME?
Ya? Good. You're on your way to writing a great resume.
The vast majority though probably responded something more like this:

Because you haven't given it much thought. No wonder you're having trouble writing a resume. You don't even know how awesome you are. Take some time to think about it. I'd even encourage you to write an "Awesome List"; a list of all the things you've done that make you awesome.
Did you win a prestigious award? Did you lead a team to the brink of destruction and back? Did you save the office from alien invasion? Did you make a difference? If you've done any of these things, or many, many others, then congratulations. You're awesome.
Those are the things you want to base your resume around. These are the things that are going to get you through the door. When I read your resume you want me to think: This guy sounds awesome. I'm going to make a point of calling him. Not: This guy sounds exactly the same as the last 28 people who applied.
Because guess what? I didn't call them and I'm probably not going to call you either. If I need to get you on the phone for you to explain to me why you're awesome, you're probably not awesome enough. Thanks anyway.
Once you have your list written we'll pick up tomorrow to discuss how to start putting your awesomeness on paper. 

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