Tuesday, February 17, 2015

How The Time Flies

So Notes From The Recruitment Desk turned 1 year old last week.

What a year it has been.

As I sat and watched the congrats come in surrounding LinkedIn's announcement that this blog was turning 1, I thought it would be a great time to say a couple of words.

First of all, thank you to everyone who has continued to read and support this blog. It was started on a whim, one cold afternoon last February after being laid off from my last Recruitment agency.

I had no concept of what I wanted to do, what I wanted to say or how it should be said. All I knew is that, at that moment, I wanted to write. So I shut up and wrote.

The initial idea was to write about the world of Recruitment Agencies from an insider perspective. I wanted to help people when dealing with Recruiters so that they didn't get caught up in the shenanigans and behaviour that some Recruiters tend to exhibit.

It worked. Waves were sent out through the Recruitment world. Some people thought it was funny, charming and insightful. Others thought it was an embarrassment to the industry. How could he say that no one knows anything? Said one industry insider. Your post on Walk-ins is disgusting, said another.

Generally people don't take kindly to having their entire industry reduced to crude drawings of stick figures.

"If they're doing a good job," I said to a former colleague about the backlash, "then they shouldn't have anything to worry about."

You know you've done something right, when it starts to push people's buttons.

But the people who mattered most, the job seekers, loved it.

When I put the word out for volunteers for a new feature I was planning, The Recruiter's Red Pen, only one brave soul stepped forward. Weeks later I was filled with joy and delight when the subject informed me she had just landed an interview with one of Toronto's premiere companies. Two weeks after that she had a start date.

Throughout the year I have tried my best to keep the blog up to date with quality content and practical career advice that anyone can relate to. What continues to surprise and keep me going is how loyal and consistent a readership Notes has achieved despite the infrequent nature of the posts. No matter what anyone says, I have the best fans in the market.

As I continue to push forward into year two of my look into the strange and fascinating world of Recruitment, there are some big things in store that I want to hint at:

1) This site needs some serious TLC. In the coming weeks I will be updating the template the blog was designed on to make it more aesthetically pleasing and user friendly.

2) When a friend came to me, desperately in search of a job so that she could retain her Canadian work visa, I had her send me a copy of her resume. I was horrified to hear that she had paid someone to help her construct this monstrosity. I realized that too many people are paying too much for career advice that isn't going to get them anywhere.

In the coming weeks I will debut an exclusive career consultation service. It will be a simple, affordable solution that will provide resume writing and interview coaching services tailored specifically for you and designed, like all the content on this blog, to be practical, relatable and better prepare you for landing a great job.

3) More Purple Squirrels. The Recruitment-based TV comedy series I have been concurrently working on will continue with Ep 2. Check out and continue to support the pilot at www.purplesquirrels.ca

Stay tuned. The best is yet to come.

Sincerely Yours,
Michael Lippert